Friday, November 25, 2011

How long has same sex relationships been around?

It seems that there are a lot of gay people around now but my brother said that gay people have been around since Cesar's time...I just want to know how far back can same sex relationships be traced. *By the way, I'm not prejudiced just curious.How long has same sex relationships been around?
A very very very long timeHow long has same sex relationships been around?
History shows that bisexuality has been around for a long time. Sadly, it has been recorded more than homosexuality.

The best example I can give you, like the guy above, is ancient greece. Society back then was very divided by gender, boys would only study, talk, socialize with other boys, thus resulting in a lot of bisexuals. It was actually consider normal back then.

Another example close to that time and registered in history is actually,l believe it or not, Sparta. Sparta was a society were men will go alone and live the women behind to fight wars. This, like in greece, also resulted in a lot of bisexuality.

You can look all of this up. Hope it helped.
before cesar actually in ancient egypt

there was

Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum around 2400BC they shared the title

';Overseer of the Manicurists in the Palace of the King, King's Acquaintance and Royal Confidant.';

meaning that it was acceptable in ancient egypt to have homosexual relationships for they were one of the few allowed to touch the pharaoh and they would not have had the post had homosexuality not been accepted

Niankhkhnum means ';joined to life'; and Khnumhotep means ';joined to 'the blessed state of the dead''; and together the names can be translated as ';joined in life and joined in death';
In the old testament (if you believe what it has to say) The city of Sodom was filled with people having sex with each other, men with men and women with women, the men of sodom even went to rape the angels that came to save Lot. Now whether you believe in the bible or not is really irrelevant. The book of Genesis began as a part of the roughly 900 documents found among the dead sea scrolls dating as far back as 150 BC if not more. Weather you believe the text is true or not there must have been homosexual sex at the time for someone to have written about it.
As long as opposite sex relationships have been around. It's not a matter of society, it's a matter of biology. A percentage of people have been born gay (or bi, pan, trans, etc) throughout history and always will be.

The reason you see it more today is because slowly our culture is becoming more tolerant of these lifestyles and the people living them feel safer displaying who they truly are in public. Let's hope the upward trend continues =]
The evidence goes back as far as the Bronze Age, shortly after the advent of writting, but given that we see same-sex relationships in other species, it is very likely that same-sex relationships are as old as humanity.
same sex relationships are quite common among both human beings and animals, so I guess to answer your question the relationships have been around far before humanity.
The earliest mention in the the Bible of such conduct is found in Genesis 19:5. Other than that...? I've no idea.
As far back as recorded history.
I guarantee there were cavemen who were shacking up together. That's how far back it goes.
Since the beginning of time.
Forever...Even Lincoln was a pole chaser.
Since day one.
in ancient greece, bisexuality was the norm.

most men would have male lovers.
ever since the world started.

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