Friday, July 30, 2010

What are some good books about teenage boys and their relationships with their fathers?

I want a good read, and I want one about a teenage boy, and his relationship -- dysfunctional or not -- with his father. It seems like all novels I pick up and read the back or inside flap of are about teenage girls and their relationships with their mothers. I'm frankly tired of seeing all of these books about teenage girls and their relationships with their mothers. I want to read a good young adult novel about a teenage boy and his relationship with his father. Do you have any good suggestions for me?What are some good books about teenage boys and their relationships with their fathers?
* The Road by Cormac McCarthy

* The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

* Out Stealing Horses: A Novel by Per Petterson

* Gilead by Marilynne Robinson

* Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman

* Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig

* Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

* East of Eden by John Steinbeck

* The Chosen by Chaim Potok

* My Father Bleeds History by Art Spiegelman

* Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev

* The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon (that one was amazing, I really suggest it).

* Independence Day by Richard Ford

* Big Fish : A Novel of Mythic Proportions by Daniel Wallace (this also became a Tim Burton movie)

* The Film Club: A Memoir by David Gilmour

* A Fraction of the Whole by Steve Toltz

* Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman

* Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's鈥?by David Sheff

* Breathing Underwater by Alex Flinn

* Bridge of Sighs by Richard RussoWhat are some good books about teenage boys and their relationships with their fathers?
What about the Swiss Family Robinson? Written by Johann David Wyss. This involves a family who get shipwrecked. Mother, father, 2 boys.... It's a good book. There is definitely a relationship between father and sons.

You know it is hard trying to find a book about a father and son. You are right. Most books involve girls and their mothers......

Hope this helps!
Oh interesting. I have always thought just the opposite. It seemed when I was growing up that the only stories were about boys and never about girls. Interesting that your take on it is just the opposite. I would have to say some of the ones I enjoyed the most were

A Light in the Forest - by Conrad Richter

Shiloh-by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

The Great Santini -by Pat Conroy

Sounder-William H. Armstrong

Where the Red Fern Grows-Wilson Rawls

Life with Father-Clarance Day Jr.

My Brother Sam is Dead-byJames Lincoln Collier

Across Five Aprils-Irene Hunt
Ordinary People by Judith Guest is a good one. It's about a teenage boy who is recovering from depression, and his relationship with his dad is a huge part of the novel and his steps toward recovery.
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
A Wolf at the Table by Augusten Burroughs. It's not a novel but it is a true story about a father/son relationship.
A Day no Pigs Would Die

The Yearling

Edgar Sawtelle

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