In Australia gender indoctrination is being achieved through force-feeding in the media and schools. The depiction of gender rolls has also changed with the times.
In the sixties and early seventies women were still being told that their rolls were in the home and kitchen with a few children running in a ¼ acre block with a 13sq brick veneer house. To be successful they had to be good cooks, mothers, wives and never complain. The meal had to be cooked and on the table for when the man came home, and the children clean and had to greet the father on entry to the home.
Example The Brady Bunch, Women ran the home and the men brought home the Dollars. The traditional rolls were depicted everywhere that women looked. Men were depicted as strong and capable with women by their side but subordinate.
Today women are still being told what to think or say through the media. A typical example would be the TV series “Sex in the City” for the teen age and older. Women are told to be in charge and the men are depicted as playthings, uninformed and to be made fun of. Violence toward men by women is frequently shown on TV. Women are shown to be in control of the work place, finance and stalk the men they so choose. Even the clothes/fashions and body image are dictated. Crime shows depict women as the leaders in investigation and men their subordinates, a change from a decade ago. Cartoon series like “The Simpson’s” also show the mother and daughter as strong and capable, while the husband and son are depicted as dim witted and only to be made fun of. This theme of strong women and laughable men is prevalent in society. If Batman and Robin were written today they would surely be women, only the male butler would keep his job.
Is it time to try and teach Equity and Equality in society yet?Do movies have shaped or influenced your mythology about relationships and gender?
Well, they haven't shaped my understanding of relationships and gender, but I have concerns about the effects they are having on today's youth.
When I was growing up, we only went to movies occasionally, and we did not have 100 TV channels broadcast into our homes every day.
The more a person is exposed, the greater the chance of the movie values influencing the viewer. So I would expect young people today to be significantly influenced by what they see in the movies, yes.Do movies have shaped or influenced your mythology about relationships and gender?
I don't think Hollywood movies have done anything to me to change my perceptions of the other gender and relationships.
The question should be 'Have movies shaped or influenced your mythology about relationships and gender?', but oh no ! You're a Feminist and hence ALL your flaws are ignorable and pointing them out makes me a sexist misogynist !
Nobody is 'attacking' anybody's grammar here, the point is that anybody CAN make mistakes.
I think the main influence on my relationships and my ideas of gender came from my childhood and seeing my mother and father relate to one another. Some influence came from my grandparents and my aunts and uncles. Very little influence came from movies because I always considered them make-believe. Perhaps reading books had some influence, as I read quite a lot when I was younger. But movies? No, not really.
I don't think we realize how much Hollywood has influenced the way we see each other and what we expect to happen to us in a relationship.
No, not to the point we believe we will love in slow motion, but yes, up to where she wakes up looking gorgeous and he goes out of his way to please her (and has the economic means to do so).
It's a dream factory because it fulfills sensations we would like to feel and moments we wish we had.
I think chick flicks are doin a lot of people a disservice now a lot of women are looking for their own hugh grants/ collin firth's and those teen sex comedies give guys the wrong ideas (I don't care what women say about what's on the inside that counts etc, the nerds in the movies cannot pull chicks that hot), loll, haha to Frantz Fanon, I seriously hope that's a joke
Movies influence us all - reason why they should have representation.
Most of all, I learned Hollywood movies really influence people's opinions in other parts of the world about american women - very sad, indeed. People think American women are mindless bimbos that jump into bed or uptight feminists controlling men. We need more women making movies so that we can represent ourselves. i practically boycott hollywood movies - relying on stereotypes has grown tiring.
Yes, absolutely. Even though they're mostly severely tongue-in-cheek, there's enough reality in some of them to scare me. One of the most powerful ones is Sex and the City. Part of the reason it's so entertaining to some is that it's so realistic. The most suitable (?) of the four, Carrie, is still an awful little girl deep down.
Definitely me and my fried were talking on the phone last night about this. How we were brought up watching movies, thinking there was always a happy ending. And their was the one out there Mr. prince charming. Which it isn't like that in real life.
Not mine that I know of- but my sister grew up thinking the Brady Bunch and The Waltons were the ideal families. She wanted to live like the Walton's when she got married. It didn't happen.
I do keep rewatching Paint Your Wagon, Pure Country, and Where the Heart Is.
Yes occasionally they do, it does not matter that they are 'only' films, they are created by people who can often have a lot to say about the world just like any other art form. All art has the potential to influence what you think about the world.
It did when I was extremely young because I wasn't taught any better. As far as interacting with females, I learned the hard way on my own the difference between being on friendly terms and being romantically/sexually interested in them.
My favourite film from when I was about 5 was the rocky horror show. Transvestites and bisexuality, didn't seem anything wrong with it.
Experience is still the best teacher. Having a vivid imagination only builds up to the final expectations. Like Shakespeare said: '; To dream but yet to sleep';
The young and weak-minded are shaped by popular culture.
No matter how hard I try to do the slow motion hair toss and seductive walk it doesn't work. I just end up looking strange.
Jen I hear what your going through, sexy walking for me has never worked. One time I walked over one of those fans on the street with my kilt (like Marilyn), I got arrested for indecent exposure.
After watching Charlie's Angels and Tomb Raider, I would say yes, my perceptions of what women do is very distorted.
none. I think a load of romance things are a load of crap and not my cup of tea.
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