Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is it sinful to practice sex before marriage even in a long relationships?

i`ve been in a relationship for 6 years, and God knows it`s impossible not to be intimate with your partner for so long, and it`s with love. so, despite all my efforts to live according the bible, i`ll go to hell because of having sex before marriage?by the way, we are 26 both, and we have serious plans for us.Is it sinful to practice sex before marriage even in a long relationships?

I learned about this in confirmation class...

Anyways, I think people tend to choose certain things out of the bible to follow, such as ';don't have sex.... no gay marriage...'; etc..

But, honestly, if everyone followed EVERYTHING in the Bible, then tons of things we do are considered ';sins'; and other things that are frowned upon today would be allowed!

Like, we no eating pork ever, and men would be allowed to stone their wives to death..

Sex before marriage is NOT a sin sweetie, Sex is something GOOD, filled with love!!

As long as you're not harming someone else, do what makes you happy.

And if you THINK it's a sin, just go to confession!

You are always forgiven by God and still have a chance of going to heaven :)

Good luck. be happy!

Congrats on the 6 year relationship- and staying committed!!Is it sinful to practice sex before marriage even in a long relationships?
You don't earn the right to go to heaven. Accept that you are a sinner, that Christ died for you, and accept Him into your heart, and you will go to heaven.

But you still shouldn't have sex before marriage. My advice: marry him. (if you love him and he is also a Christian)

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You should read 1 corintheans 6:15-20

also 1 Corinthians 7:9:

The best place to get your view of right and wrong is from the Lord - biblically pre-merital sex is very wrong. Against yourself, which is God's new temple. Heck, if you want to marry...do it! :D

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You have to go with your heart and how you feel . I know people look down on that and say that you could never have a successful marriage b-c you are ';pure'; but im here to tell you my husband and i have been married for 3 years and have been together a total of 7 years and we did not wait ! And we are very happy and content with each other and we feel no shame in our game ! ! .... I really think it would be hard to marry someone you have never been intimate with ? How awkward ! lol ... You know if your happy (and sounds like you are) so just dont worry about trying to be perfect ! NO ONE IS ! Live you life !
God designed sex to be shared within the institution of marriage between a man and his wife. It is a beautiful thing when shared in marriage. God does view premarital sex as sin-- it was not His intention for sex to be outside of marriage. However, having premarital sex will not keep you from going to heaven. The only thing keeping someone out of heaven is not having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and accepting Him into your life as your Savior and Lord. If a born again Christian participates in premarital sex, he/she will not be kept out of heaven because according to God's Word, nothing can separate you from the Love of God. One can never lose their salvation after they have accepted Christ as their Savior. However, the person should repent of their sin and try to abstain. Abstaining is possible with God's help. Remember, the only way to go to heaven is through Jesus Christ, not through ';good works'; alone. I wish you all the joy possible through our Lord and Savior.
Look I don't wont to sit here and twist God words, The Lord Most High does say get married, he that finds a wife shall find a good thing. Marriage should be easy for you since you been with her for 6 years, if you truly love someone with all your heart you would want to get closer and be with them for eternity, This is the Word of God Most High because it is a perfect form of a relationship between man and women. He wants close Love, not distant Love, He wants full trust not '; Well I don't know if im going to be with you forever'; kinda love. Marriage is Love to the fullest, to perfection.

Lord Jesus says it is a sin( to miss the mark), why? Because it is not perfect, its is distorted and fataly flawed. It is better for sex to be in marriage rather than out, God will easily forgive you even if you destroyed the entire universe. But if you Truly Love God and your woman you would please both of them, because in reality the man is the one responsible for marriage.
Obviously it is a sin. You don't need anyone here to tell you that.

I don't know your circumstances so I just say this generally....26 is too long to wait to get married. It is not healthy. Nor should people be in relationships for 6 years without getting married....that is not healthy either. Our society has shifted away from any attempt to follow the commands of God, and we rationalize away our sin....but it is still sin....and nothing has changed. It is not I that say so....but the Lord God.
This is a great question. I am glad that you addressed this because I am a christian and many of my friends are as well but we all struggle with this one. I'm not saying that I have the right answer but we came to an understanding and got more in depth with this subject.

To answer right off the back yes it is a sin to have sex before marriage. Now one of the ten commandments state that You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.

With that being said biblical it is a sin because if you don't marry that person and someone else does then you sleep with someones wife or husband. Even if their not married at the time.

God created male and female to mix and mate. The bible even says that God love it when people mating because the purpose is to bring and create life. So yes it is a sin but I wouldn't just to say that you could go to hell for it. The bible says that as long as you believe that Jesus Christ is your lord and savior that your name is written in the book of heaven. But its the things that you do/ the lifestyle you live that makes the decision on how your life will be once you get to heaven.

I am a realist as well and know that it could be extremely hard to stay to yourself when you fully love someone and what to give them your all. In your situation, you claim that you guys have future plans. I am not sure of what that means but if its referring to marriage than that's great. And based on the commandment you are sleeping with your husband. But the decision is ultimately up to you.

Hope I answered your question or gave you some things to think about.
Stop letting other people rule your life. Throw out the bible %26amp; let your intuition guide you. If you understood the bible you could see anything in it tells you wantever you want to get from it. Adam listened to some slimy thing %26amp; his wife when he should have only listened to his gut, so he lost his heaven on earth his garden of eden. Wake up! Have sex. Sin is an old archery term that means to miss the mark...you are missing the mark by not having sex...find the mark %26amp; shoot! Practice safe sex though if you are not ready for children.
Was in 5 year relationship with old girlfriend. It didn't work out and we had sex. My wife has similar story. Now we are married but are

not the first for each other. I can't change that though I wish I could.

If my other girlfriend had gotten pregnant, a child would be in the

equation which complicates life. I think God's plan for sex in marriage is to protect us from the heartache it can produce. I do believe Paul

stated ';it is better to marry than to burn';.
Dude... this is 2009. Everybody has sex before marriage.

I'm prejudiced because I don't believe in god, so this whole thing about suspending natural pleasures for the sake of some talking head in the clouds who may or may not be real is beyond absurd to me... but seriously. If you've been dating for 6 years and you HAVEN'T had sex yet... then something's wrong.
If you have been together for that long then god knows your plans to be together forever just as well as you do. I don't think it is a sin to be intimate with the person you love and plan to spend forever with.
well it its a sin your not to supposed to have sex before marriage the bible says to stay away fro many sexual sin you need to repent and not do it again sex is for marriage ask god to forgive you and don't do it again
If you're in it for the long haul and you're that religious that you feel your soul is in jeopardy, why not get married?

I'm not religious but it seems a logical next step for you two. What are you waiting for?
No it isn't. If I were you, I wouldn't live off the Bible. It seems like people who live off of it seem to feel guilty or ashamed of things they really don't need to be ashamed of.
Of course it isn't! And by the way, according to the Ten Commandments of God, you just have to be faithful. Besides, lots of people refuse to get married at all, and yet they have children and are a family.
yes, according to the bible it is a sin to have sex before marriage, however hellfire is not biblical.
It really depends on your own beliefs and your own relationship with God.
Not on this day and age, I think God understands that times have changed. No sex outside marriage was meant for when there were no long term relationships, people just got married! Don't worry!
Repent and wait, you won't go to hell. Sex isn't neccescary to have a relationship. Get married already
The bible does not forbid sex before marriage
No, of course not. The concept of ';sin'; was invented to make people feel guilty so they would be easier to control.
So stop living in sin and get married already.
Yes, it is sinful. You should repent for that.
Um....no. I do it all the time.
U got ur needs, god understands. He made u, but didn't invent marriage or the rules to it. Go have ur fun.
Its only a sin if you believe it is, and I don't so its not a problem. Root root fill your boot
hell no. Your twenty six, just live your life :)
no it is not
Yes it's sinful as stated in the Bible. You can try to reason your way out of that fact, but you are just lying to yourself. It is not impossible to abstain until marriage, just difficult.

Marriage is a holy union that God set aside for the male and female. It is a symbol of Christ and the church. The male represents Christ and the female is the church, his pure and holy bride.

Sex is the ultimate fulfilment of this union. When you have sex outside of marriage you are cheating on your bride. Your girfriend is also cheating on her husband - even if he turns out to be you one day. You are taking something that should be holy and precious and twisting and defacing it. You are saying marriage and your bride are not that important to you.

If you think you can just get forgiveness and move on you are wrong. Yes, God will forgive you if you sincerely confess and repent, but it will still follow you around. I had sex outside of marriage, and I can tell you with certainty that it was hurtful to the man I am about to marry in 3 weeks even though I was in high school at the time and since moved on.

Everyone makes mistakes, but please do your best to honor God in this area. Do not go through the emotional pain that will result if you are smart enough to avoid it. Sin is damaging.

You can make excuses, but you cannot change what God and the Bible clearly say. Fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Get forgiveness now and let God make you pure again. Then stay that way. If you plan to marry this girl, then just do it. After six years, how can you still not know for sure? And I'm wondering how your girlfriend feels about all this as well?

If you have more questions about this, email me. I can provide you with some helpful scriptures to meditate on with your girlfriend.
Frankly I don't care what two people do in a bedroom as long as its consensual.
Why buy a car without taking it for a test drive?

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