Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do people maintain relationships when one person is in the military?

I am asking this because my boyfriend recently joined the Navy. He is off to bootcamp, and I am very proud of him. We are practically engaged, and I don't want anything to get between us. Any advice from people who have dealt with this successfully would be great. Right now I am just a little bit worried...this is all new for us. Thanks so much!How do people maintain relationships when one person is in the military?
My bf goes to the Naval Academy so my advice might not be do-able due to differences between the Academy and enlisting but I hope it helps:

1) Write him letters and send him pictures! It is really cool to be able to carry around a letter or picture to look at whenever you have the chance, especially during bootcamp. My boyfriend keeps a picture of me hidden in his hat so that he can take a look at it whenever he is feeling down. Send pictures of you, of the things you do on a day to day basis, write him about the exciting and even mundane things that happen to you so that he will still feel like he is a part of your everyday life. Even if you don't have much to write and you might think it is boring, he will still very much appreciate feeling like he is part of the real world again through reading your letters. If you can, emails work too and you won't have to spend so much on postage.

2) If you can talk to each other on the phone, DO! He might not have very much time to talk, but with the rough days ahead of him, just hearing your voice will mean the world to him, even for only a couple of minutes! Send text messages that will let him know you are thinking of him. Knowing that you care so much about him will keep him going.

3) Plan to go up and visit him at least once a year if not more! When you are there, take lots of pictures because these are going to sustain you until the next visit!

4) Talk about what the two of you expect to happen beforehand. Most of all, be encouraging. Keep reassuring him that you will be there for him when he gets back. Be positive, talk about how phenomenal he is for performing such a service. Don't ever EVER lead the conversation to ';Why are you doing this to me?'; or get mad or frustrated at him for making this decision to join the Navy. He will be going through some rough times and might even take some of it out on you, but you have got to stay positive and encouraging and if you do, then he will love you even more for it. He will need you and your love more than you can ever imagine.

5) Get a hobby, something to do so that missing him is a little easier. I put together pictures and memoribilia of us in scrapbooks. Last summer our only form of communication was letters. I saved every single letter and put them all in a scrapbook. It was very invigorating because I was so happy to be doing it and even though I missed him greatly while he was gone, I felt like I was doing something for the both of us that we could look back on when all of this was done. Also, lots of couples in long distance relationships treat the absense as somewhat of a breakup in that they put away the things that remind them of their significant other, thinking that it would be too hard on them. DON'T!! Keep his things around you. It doesn't mean that you are weak if you miss him or even if you cry every once in a while.

I hope some of this maybe helped. It is really intimidating at first, but you can't let that get you down. You've got to be selfless, but don't worry because if you love him then it will all be worth it in the end. Good luck. :)

The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us. How do people maintain relationships when one person is in the military?
I'm a Coastie wife and I can tell you at times it does get rough.

Especially the long trips away from home. If you two love each other, you'll last.

But keep in mind it will take a bit of sacrifice on your part and also a lot of trust in your partner.

It worked out for me and my hubby, so I'm sure it will work out for you and yours. Just keep your head up and make sure to e-mail him constantly!


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